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General Research

                               (Free of Charge at Kansas Historical Society)


     Genealogy Connect

     Heritage Quest

     U.S. Newspaper Directory, 1690-Present – Library of Congress

     USGenWeb Project 

Military Research – Military & Native American Records (Limited Free Data, Paid Site)

     Heritage Quest

     Military Research – PBS History Detective

     U.S. Civil War Soldiers and Sailors Database – National Park Service 

     U.S. Military Online Genealogy Records – FamilySearch

     Veteran Service Records – National Archives

Immigration Research

     Cyndi’s List of Genealogy on the Internet 

     Genealogy: Ethnic Heritage Links – National Archives

     Irish Genealogy (Records for Ireland)

     Places to Find German Genealogy Records – GermanRoots

     Heritage Quest

     Ellis Island Passenger Search – The Statue of Liberty & Ellis Island Foundation Inc.

     Research on Ethnic Heritage – National Archives

     Tracing Immigrants Origins – FamilySearch

     United States Border Crossings from Canada to United States, 1895-1956 – FamilySearch

     United States Border Crossings from Mexico to United States, 1903-1957 – FamilySearch

     Women in Naturalization Records, 1802-1940 – Part 1 – National Archives

     Women in Naturalization Records, 1802-1940 – Part 2 – National Archives