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Each month, Winchester Public Library, in collaboration with the City of Winchester, JCN USD 339, and several other local entities distributes a monthly newsletter. Originally, the newsletter was divided up by several volunteers and delivered door to door to all residents within the city limits. Over time, inclement weather and lack of volunteers made this task difficult to continue, so pick-up stations were established at certain points in town. We then decided to open the possibility of digital delivery, and the idea was very well received – especially for those who live outside the city limits or didn’t visit the pickup areas often.

Now is your chance to get in on what you’ve been missing. Winchester Connects has a few things about last month and everything about the coming month. Want to stay in the know about what’s going on in Winchester, Kansas?

Click the link below to be taken to our email sign up. (Disclaimer: you will be redirected to our sign up site.)

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